Friday, August 26, 2011

Widmer Pitch Black IPA. Possibly one of the Best beers EVER!!!

I will not lie. I am biased. I absolutely love black IPA's or Cascadian Dark Ales. A black IPA would be the offspring from an IPA & porter baby. The great coffee & chocolate flavor ending with a great bitter and citrus finish. They are amazing and Pitch Black IPA is one of the best. If you like porters and IPAs, try this wonderful concoction. This seriously may cause you to cream your pants. If you are lucky enough to have Widmer in your area of the country and have this beautiful brew, or any of Widmers beautiful brews, try them. Can't say you'd be disappointed. Only if you had that chance and passed would you be. I know I haven't said much about this beer, but read on it on the pictures and seriously enjoy it.
 Has a nice chocolate flavor and Bam hops. Love it.
5 of 5. Wish it was a year round beer. I am debating on brewing one myself.

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