Friday, August 26, 2011

EPIC Failures

I was going through some beer photos I have & realized I must mention 3 brews that make me disgusted. All are IPA's.
1. Detour Double IPA: Part of Uinta's crooked series line, they make the beer drinker wonder if the CROOKED part means crooked as in no hops. As a West Coast guy, this is an insult to Double or Imperial IPA's. The lack of hops is unreal. No bitterness. Just pre-hopped wort. Imagine fermenting warm grape nuts cereal. I was told by the brewery, they do NOT do quality control and it shows. Granted this is a UTAH beer, but don't produce something you do not drink . DUH

Flying Fish, New Jersey. Fuck this. They failed at life. HOPS??? Ever heard of them??? They happen to be the key ingredient in making an India Pale Ale. Wake the hell up New Jerksey. Your beer stinks, and that show you produce deserves to be nuked. The beer tastes like the show. SHITTY. lol. An insult to the IPA & beer drinker. Avoid this at all costs.

Lastly, Squatters IPA, Salt Lake City, UT, again, no hops. NO bitterness whatsoever. SO sad. Again, I am going to say AVOID.

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