Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Rogue Dead Guy Ale!!!!!

Rogue Brewery's Dead Guy Ale is one of the best beers on the planet!!! It is there top selling beer that they produce and for good reason.

This ale is a great golden-orange color. The perfect Halloween color.

This brew has characteristics of being more malty than hoppy, but it has a moderate bitterness, in which reads it like a red ale, and helps to make it great balanced ale.

Cheers, Prost, L'chayim. 


Grand Cru Abbey Ale by New Belgium Brewery

The Lips of Faith Grand Cru Abbey Ale by New Belgium Brewery is one hell of an Ale. Whoo Boy, this ale is at a nice 9.5% abv.  Cannot go wrong with that. 

Appearance: A nice burgundy red. Mr. Burgundy.... hence a perfect abby color.

Flavor: Definite belgian trippel yeast, which means definite belgian trippel ale taste. It has a a strong malt flavor

Aftertaste: No strong lingering taste. Instantly after a gulp, you do get a nice belgian bam flavor and it is rather refreshing.

10 out of 10.

Pursuit of Hoppiness by Grand Teton Brewing

The Pursuit of Hoppiness by Grand Teton Brewing is an Imperial Red Ale. This ale is fucking fantastic. OMG. This beer is a must have. 

Aroma: Citrus right off the bat. Also, hops right of that same bat. There is a malty aroma, but not  overwhelming. 

Appearance: Great red color. Duh. I would hope so. Also, Note: has a red-brown look too.
Goes well with pizza, this beer does!!!!

Taste: Little bitterness. Not overly hoppy. Key: Very well-balanced

Feel: Super smooth. It makes you want more and more. And for good reason.

This beer is a 10 of 10. I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys beer. If you see it, try it. DO it.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Maui CoCoNut PorTeR... Like hot chicks on the beach

Maui's Coconut porter is like hot chicks on the beach. Seriously, I do not like coconut. I cannot stand it. But, in this beer, I can. This is a great beer. I highly recommend it. It has a chocolate with subtle coconut aromas.
Flavor: Chocolate. Definite toasted coconut flavor. Combined they make one hell of a porter.  So good it won a gold medal at the World Beer Cup.

The finish is very smooth. Again, we get a great chocolate taste, and then BAM!!! swoosh comes the coconut.

(is this you sir? MFC? Monkey Fucking a Coconut?) LMAO

Real Ale Lost Gold IPA

Light, Golden color. Very Crisp. Enjoyable
Real Ale is based out of Blanco Texas. I bought it because it is an IPA that takes me back to the Washington state IPA. This Lost Gold IPA has an aroma of grapefruit and some hints of citrus.
This citrus is also, evident in the flavor, which reminds me of WA.  Has a gneiss bitter finish. For a Texas IPA, this is pretty legit. Later on, I will tell you where to find the best IPA in Texas.

Flyin HH. P. Hay Maui Special: LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST!!!

Special you say???? Yes I did. This brewski is a special one. It is brewed exclusively with Falconer Hops, which is a proprietary blend of the best of the Northwest hops. Essentially Magnum, Cascade, Centennial, Citra, some Sorachi Ace, etc... It is in honor of this brewer Glen H. Falconer and this beer
rocks. Seriously, if they produce it again this year and you see it, I highly recommend it. This brew is super hoppy and has a great grapefruit and citrus flavor. It has a bitter finish which is quite nice as well. My notes indicate MMMM.

Im still figuring out how to set up pictures and text, so bear with me.

I am back with a vengeance

I hope to provide one hell of an update to this blog.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

You Gotta Love Georgetown Brewing


Had to show all yall' schmaltz brewing. Here is there bar mitzvah ale. 13 hops, 13 malts, 13%. They need to sell here in texas.


Swell IPA is a Maui brew in a can. Now do not knock the canned beer, especially this one.
Note: Emphasis on the beer and Husky sign!

Golden/copper color. Great citrus aroma. It is a hoppy beer. I have had this beer about a year ago, and personally found it to be much better than this past years batch, but I wouldn't say no to it.

This beer when I had it a few weeks ago, had a real grapefruit flavor to it. Overwhelmingly. I do recall it being more citrusy and piney last time. Could of been the one bad can. It had a nice bitter finish and is a total BAM to the taste buds.

I would drink this beer. It is pretty good. Plus lots of hops canned IPA... its great. I enjoyed it a lot.

Im Pubbus and I approve this beer.

Jester King Brewery Sues TABC

Jester King Brewery in Austin is suing the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for violating its' 1st and 14th constitutional rights.
Here is there post on their blog:

Jester King Craft Brewery Sues Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission Over Beer and Consumer Freedom

Here is our press release:

Austin, TX — Jester King Craft brewery, maker of artisan farmhouse ales in the beautiful Texas Hill Country on the outskirts of Austin, has filed suit against the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC). On Wednesday, attorneys representing Jester King Craft Brewery and two other co-plaintiffs filed a motion for summary judgment in federal court asking that the case be decided in our favor.

We have sued the TABC because we believe that its Code violates our rights under the 1st and 14th Amendments to the Constitution of the United States. Under the Code, we are not allowed to tell the beer drinking public where our beer is sold. We are also not permitted to use accurate terms to describe our beers. We are often forced to choose either to label them inaccurately or not to make beers that we would like to brew. Under the bizarre, antiquated naming system mandated by the TABC Code, we have to call everything we brew over 4% alcohol by weight (ABW) “Ale” or “Malt Liquor” and everything we brew at or below 4% ABW “beer”. This results in nonsensical and somewhat comical situations where we have to call pale ale at or below 4% ABW “pale beer” and lager that is over 4% ABW “ale”. The State has arrogantly and autocratically cast aside centuries of rich brewing tradition by taking it upon itself to redefine terms that reference flavor and production method as a simple shorthand for alcoholic strength.

At the same time, the State prohibits breweries from using other terms that accurately reference alcoholic strength like “strong” or “low alcohol”. That means you will not be seeing any Belgian or American Strong Ale in Texas. Further, the State restricts the context in which we can communicate the actual alcohol content of our beers. We are not allowed to put the alcoholic content on anything the State considers advertising, which includes our website and social media. We are simply seeking to exercise free and truthful speech about the beer we make and strongly believe that the State has no interest in keeping you from knowing the type of beer we make, how strong it is, or where it is sold.

Our claim under the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, maintains that breweries, like wineries, should be able to sell their products directly to the public. Right now in Texas, we cannot sell our beer at our brewery. We can only sell beer through a retailer or distributor. When people visit Jester King and ask to buy our beer, we have to tell them, “Sorry, that’s illegal.” Brewpubs are faced with an equal and opposite restriction. They can sell beer on-site, but cannot sell beer through a retailer or distributor. Texas wineries on the other hand are allowed to sell on-site and through retailers and distributors. We are suing because the State has no rational interest in maintaining special restrictions aimed at limiting the sale of beer.

Finally, the lawsuit challenges the State’s requirement that every foreign brewery wishing to sell beer in Texas obtain its own separate license. Foreign wineries and distilleries are not burdened by this requirement. They may simply sell their products in Texas through an importer that has one license for all the wine and spirits it brings into our state. The result is that small, artisan beer makers often have their beer kept out of Texas by unduly burdensome fees.

When we started Jester King, part of our plan was to help other small, artisan brewers, from both the United States and abroad, sell their products in Texas. This is something that we remain interested in doing at some point, which is where our material interest in this part of the case comes into play. Our much larger interest, however, is in allowing Texas beer drinkers to have access to the beers that helped shape our desire to build an authentic farmhouse brewery in the Texas Hill Country and that have had a direct influence on the type of beers that we have set out to brew. Many of these beers are from small overseas breweries whose products are currently being sold elsewhere in the U.S., but not in Texas because of exorbitant licensing fees. We would like to have the ability to purchase these beers in our local market and would like for all Texas beer drinkers to be able to do the same.

We have chosen to pursue these matters in federal court after witnessing the lack of progress that has resulted from previous attempts to address the inequities of theTABC Code legislatively. During the last legislative session, there were bills aimed at giving breweries and brewpubs similar rights to Texas wineries, but these bills never even made it out of committee.

We cannot say how likely we are to succeed in this lawsuit. The State has only to show a rational basis for restricting our freedom and the freedom of beer drinkers in this matter. However, as long as there is a TABC Code in Texas that discriminates against and puts undue burdens on breweries both home and abroad, we will continue to do everything in our power to fight for a more just and free system for us and for beer drinkers in our state. 

Check it out. This is why Schmaltz brewing does not sell here. Why some Deschutes cant sell. Why cant I know where to find a beer here. Oh and yes wineries oh its cool, do what you want. Oh breweries, ohhhh im soo not sorry but you cant do that. Not cool. 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

whats coming up

maui brewing


I kid you not. Clown Shoes Brewing presents: Tramp Stamp Belgian IPA. I love the name. In fact that is why I bought the beer. After the first two images, you will know why.
  This beer is a golden orange color.


Smell of belgian yeast. I guess a DUH is necessary here.

Great belgian flavor with a spicy like finish.

Initially, the aroma I got was belgian trippel smell.

Flavor is just this: An IPA with citrus flavorings, and is bitter, yet has a great belgian taste. Subtle finish.

5 of 5

 this pic to left. omg finally just says what a beer label should just say.

Sam Adams Blackberry Witbier

I had this Sam Adams Blackberry Witbier, the other night. It probably would've been better had it been fresh? It was subtle in blackberry, very bubbly almost like club soda.  Its like a blackberry fizzy soda. Its light, almost powdery flavor on the feel, and almost dry.

Rumble in College Station Tonight (By rumble I mean, Rumble Oak Aged IPA)

Ok ok, maybe not tonight, but Lubbock, but if you have Brian Setzer Orchestra's rumble in brighton tonight. Why all this rumble? Well...
Great Divide Brewing: Rumble Oak Aged India Pale Ale.
Delicious. Or as a buddy would say DeLITTcious.
-Orange hue
-WOW: has a little citrus finish
- Super SMOOTH
-Almost rye taste
-Dry Finish
-Oak aging mellows the super hoppy Northwest Hops used, and makes it subtle.

I give this beer a 10 or 10.

Oak Aging makes this beer excellent with meat. Whether it be fish, steak, chicken, pork, you name it. I recommend it.

Lastly,  Cheers to this:

There are hoppy beers, and then there is HOP STOOPID

Hop Stoopid is a Lagunitas Brew, out of CA. WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING: HOP STOOPID IS NOT FOR THE WEAK HOP LOVERS NOR FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT LIKE HOPPY BEERS. Though, I am positive, that your facial reaction would be priceless, I suggest you  do not drink it. Now for you hopheads. Drink this. And you will enjoy it.

Aroma: Very citrusy and candy-like.
Flavor: Duh citrus. Very citrusy, and finish of pines.
Color: golden orange.

MMMM. I love Hops.

Cheers. Prost. Slainte. La Chayim

Saint Arnold Elisa IPA

This is an IPA from St. Arnold Brewery in Houston.  It has a golden orange hue. Light citrus flavor, almost subtle candy-like citrus. Piney- MMM every time it smells like pinecones, daddy be trippin. (Brendan).  Bitter finish.  Bitter IPA. Finally someone in Texas understands that an IPA  can be bitter and not always citrus based.  What I mean is, there is an actual IPA worth drinking. Weird thing is, it smelled like a wheat.

This pic to the left, this is for MY SISTER; AKA DORKUS.  hehe

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Boner Sun Kissed Wheat. What a Firkin Joke

Yes Boner beer. I would think cool name, good beer, right??? NOPE. So time to bitch:
Avoid seriously. Slightly buttery and grapey finish. Not an attractive coupling nor is it by themselves. Aroma was of bread.

Will not buy again. Recommend you don't buy it and spare your money.

Reason for it sucking: on bottle it says this: Malt beverage brewed with spices w/ARTIFICIAL flavor added.

Never ever brew with artificial. Breckenridge used real vanilla beans and got a real good beer. You boner bitches used fake ingredients and got a beer that sucked.
Piss on you.

Breckenridge Vanilla Porter. MMM

Breckenridge Brewery's Vanilla Porter. Talk about DeLITTcious. OMG yes, I indeed love it. So will you people who understand dark beer and how awesome it is.
 Imagine your nice porter with normal chocolate and coffee undertones. Imagine vanilla. It will blow your firkin mind I know it just did. BAM!!! That just happened. apologies for the pics. It just went ballistic. It is going bananas. STOP IT. 

Dark brown color.Nice cocoa aroma.MMM Super light and refreshing.Wonderful aftertaste. Vanilla blast with a subtle
cocoa blended finish, obviously with vanilla. 4.7% and I love it. 
Real Dawgs Drink Real Beer

2 members

YAY 2 members!!!

Stash IPA by Independence Brewery San Antonio

Stash IPA by Independence Brewery San Antonio:
An IPA in Texas??? Is it legit???? Is it actually made with those strange things called HOPS??????

Well this is an interesting situation for me.

We all know from previous posts I am a "hophead", so please bear with me on this. I had, had hoppy beers in front of this one, so initially here was my response.

Aroma: citrus & grapefruit. Color: golden with slight amberish hue. Flavor: Bitter, not citrusy, subtle spiciness.

About two weeks later, had it out of the blue, and it had changed completely.

Tasted like a brown ale with hints of fruitiness. Almost like the raspberry brown by lost coast brewing. Weird? Yes indeed.  Brown with some fruitiness is what I now taste. At 7% and 70 IBU's, the bitterness was there, but again was not there the 2 weeks after.

I'd say choose a safer IPA.

Demolition Ale .

Fire in the hole!!!!!!  Not so much fire, but tastiness yes. This next brew will make your hole (mouth) love you. This is Goose Island's Demolition Belgian Golden Style Ale.
Yes, the labeled looks like the name, demolished. That is because it fell off after being in a cooler for about a week. Deal with it.

Ok, this is a great belgian style golden ale. Goose Island does great belgian ales. This one is not an exception. Has  a great smell of coriander and wheat properties.

At 7.2% abv, this belgian is a great summer ale. It has the fittings of a great warm day beer to relax with. Instead of opening a wheat, go with this belgian golden ale. Trust me, I am a geologist. HA.
Seriously, the flavor is an empowering wheaty coriander flavor that is fantastic. Do not miss if you like coriander and belgian golds.

Pikes Tandem Ale!!!! I firking love you

Folks, here we have Pike Brewing's Tandem Double Ale.
This is one of my all time favorites. Definitely the best on tap, but in the bottle you can really taste the complexity of this ale.
A true double ale it is. It is a belgian style, as the belgian yeasts have a very distinct taste and this one has that distinct flavor.  But, with that, do not underestimate this one. She is a clever girl, just like in Jurassic Park. Belgian candy sugar is used to prime the bottling and all in all this beer is super amazing. 

It has a great complex flavor with a nice caramel flavor. Intertwined with a nice robust flavor of belgian candy sugar and almost a molasses taste, this finishes with a great belgian ale style. A brownish red hue is the color of this sexy drink.

mmmm. tandem.

Oh yeah and at 7.0%, you CANNOT go wrong. ONLY RIGHT. Look I'm biased, but only because like their logo states, I LIKE PIKES.

Drink up me hearties, more to come