Sunday, September 11, 2011

Pikes Tandem Ale!!!! I firking love you

Folks, here we have Pike Brewing's Tandem Double Ale.
This is one of my all time favorites. Definitely the best on tap, but in the bottle you can really taste the complexity of this ale.
A true double ale it is. It is a belgian style, as the belgian yeasts have a very distinct taste and this one has that distinct flavor.  But, with that, do not underestimate this one. She is a clever girl, just like in Jurassic Park. Belgian candy sugar is used to prime the bottling and all in all this beer is super amazing. 

It has a great complex flavor with a nice caramel flavor. Intertwined with a nice robust flavor of belgian candy sugar and almost a molasses taste, this finishes with a great belgian ale style. A brownish red hue is the color of this sexy drink.

mmmm. tandem.

Oh yeah and at 7.0%, you CANNOT go wrong. ONLY RIGHT. Look I'm biased, but only because like their logo states, I LIKE PIKES.

Drink up me hearties, more to come

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