Monday, December 19, 2011

Flyin HH. P. Hay Maui Special: LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST!!!

Special you say???? Yes I did. This brewski is a special one. It is brewed exclusively with Falconer Hops, which is a proprietary blend of the best of the Northwest hops. Essentially Magnum, Cascade, Centennial, Citra, some Sorachi Ace, etc... It is in honor of this brewer Glen H. Falconer and this beer
rocks. Seriously, if they produce it again this year and you see it, I highly recommend it. This brew is super hoppy and has a great grapefruit and citrus flavor. It has a bitter finish which is quite nice as well. My notes indicate MMMM.

Im still figuring out how to set up pictures and text, so bear with me.

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