Sunday, September 11, 2011

Boner Sun Kissed Wheat. What a Firkin Joke

Yes Boner beer. I would think cool name, good beer, right??? NOPE. So time to bitch:
Avoid seriously. Slightly buttery and grapey finish. Not an attractive coupling nor is it by themselves. Aroma was of bread.

Will not buy again. Recommend you don't buy it and spare your money.

Reason for it sucking: on bottle it says this: Malt beverage brewed with spices w/ARTIFICIAL flavor added.

Never ever brew with artificial. Breckenridge used real vanilla beans and got a real good beer. You boner bitches used fake ingredients and got a beer that sucked.
Piss on you.

Breckenridge Vanilla Porter. MMM

Breckenridge Brewery's Vanilla Porter. Talk about DeLITTcious. OMG yes, I indeed love it. So will you people who understand dark beer and how awesome it is.
 Imagine your nice porter with normal chocolate and coffee undertones. Imagine vanilla. It will blow your firkin mind I know it just did. BAM!!! That just happened. apologies for the pics. It just went ballistic. It is going bananas. STOP IT. 

Dark brown color.Nice cocoa aroma.MMM Super light and refreshing.Wonderful aftertaste. Vanilla blast with a subtle
cocoa blended finish, obviously with vanilla. 4.7% and I love it. 
Real Dawgs Drink Real Beer

2 members

YAY 2 members!!!

Stash IPA by Independence Brewery San Antonio

Stash IPA by Independence Brewery San Antonio:
An IPA in Texas??? Is it legit???? Is it actually made with those strange things called HOPS??????

Well this is an interesting situation for me.

We all know from previous posts I am a "hophead", so please bear with me on this. I had, had hoppy beers in front of this one, so initially here was my response.

Aroma: citrus & grapefruit. Color: golden with slight amberish hue. Flavor: Bitter, not citrusy, subtle spiciness.

About two weeks later, had it out of the blue, and it had changed completely.

Tasted like a brown ale with hints of fruitiness. Almost like the raspberry brown by lost coast brewing. Weird? Yes indeed.  Brown with some fruitiness is what I now taste. At 7% and 70 IBU's, the bitterness was there, but again was not there the 2 weeks after.

I'd say choose a safer IPA.

Demolition Ale .

Fire in the hole!!!!!!  Not so much fire, but tastiness yes. This next brew will make your hole (mouth) love you. This is Goose Island's Demolition Belgian Golden Style Ale.
Yes, the labeled looks like the name, demolished. That is because it fell off after being in a cooler for about a week. Deal with it.

Ok, this is a great belgian style golden ale. Goose Island does great belgian ales. This one is not an exception. Has  a great smell of coriander and wheat properties.

At 7.2% abv, this belgian is a great summer ale. It has the fittings of a great warm day beer to relax with. Instead of opening a wheat, go with this belgian golden ale. Trust me, I am a geologist. HA.
Seriously, the flavor is an empowering wheaty coriander flavor that is fantastic. Do not miss if you like coriander and belgian golds.

Pikes Tandem Ale!!!! I firking love you

Folks, here we have Pike Brewing's Tandem Double Ale.
This is one of my all time favorites. Definitely the best on tap, but in the bottle you can really taste the complexity of this ale.
A true double ale it is. It is a belgian style, as the belgian yeasts have a very distinct taste and this one has that distinct flavor.  But, with that, do not underestimate this one. She is a clever girl, just like in Jurassic Park. Belgian candy sugar is used to prime the bottling and all in all this beer is super amazing. 

It has a great complex flavor with a nice caramel flavor. Intertwined with a nice robust flavor of belgian candy sugar and almost a molasses taste, this finishes with a great belgian ale style. A brownish red hue is the color of this sexy drink.

mmmm. tandem.

Oh yeah and at 7.0%, you CANNOT go wrong. ONLY RIGHT. Look I'm biased, but only because like their logo states, I LIKE PIKES.

Drink up me hearties, more to come

Fish Tale Organic IPA from Olympia Washington

Fish Tale Organic IPA from Olympia Washington

This 6.5% abv, bier, is fantastic. It has a lovely citrusy flavor. It is also, not overwhelmingly citrusy. It is a good balance. I liked it. Plus it is an USDA organic approved ale. So good job with it. I recommend you try it if you like them citrusy IPAs. Also, has a nice golden amberish hue.

Geology and beer. What can I say besides Go Dawgs!!!

Woodinville Whiskey Company

Yes I know, not beer, but whiskey. They are out in Woodinville, near Redhook, so stop by for a sampler of both vodka and whiskey. The whiskey has a nice candy banana smell. Delicious. Great for whiskey lemonades . whoo boy

back with a vengeance

yes i am back with a vengeance.